What is a ‘Reboule’?
'La Reboule’ is a traditional end of harvest celebration in France’s Northern Rhône Valley where grape harvesters, winemakers, and cellar staff get together at the end of a successful vintage to toast with great food, wine, & revelry.
What is the dress code for Reboule du Rhône?
The daytime Northern Rhône tasting is a casual, walk-around event. ‘La Reboule’ in the evening is a relaxed, festive, communal dinner where guests should feel free to dress-up, but certainly not formally (‘Business Casual’ at most).
What type of wine should I bring to La Reboule, and how much should I bring?
La Reboule is a chance to share some of your favorite Northern Rhône bottles over a terrific, multi-course meal: a minimum of 1 bottle per person is recommended, but feel free to bring many more, as the atmosphere will be very lively and whatever is not opened by the end of dinner will be sent back home with you.
What should I do with the wine that I am planning to bring to the 'La Reboule' dinner?
There will be a wine concierge on site to accept your wine for you anytime from the beginning of the Northern Rhône Tasting during the day through the beginning of the 'La Reboule' dinner in the evening. Additional instructions and details for bringing and/or shipping your wine for the event will be emailed to you if you are a 'La Reboule' ticket holder.
My company is interested in partnering with Reboule du Rhône as a sponsor. Whom should I contact for more information?
Please contact Kaye Johnson at rebouledurhonesponsorship@gmail.com
I am a food/wine journalist. Whom should I contact for more information about the event?
Please contact Natalie Gerke at rebouledurhone.press@gmail.com.
Do you issue refunds?
We do not issue refunds, but would be more than happy to transfer your ticket to someone else to attend in your place. Please contact Abigael at ablumenthal@strength.org or 202-601-8196 for more information.
Who can I contact if I have a question that is not answered here in the FAQ's?
Please email any additional questions to Abigael Blumenthal at ablumenthal@strength.org